NCR contributing writer Clarissa V. Aljentera's young son is curious about the unhoused in Chicago. She and her husband try to teach him respect for all humanity, beginning with their neighbors.
"I feel that you need to tell the truth, even if it hurts — especially about a group whose experiences of racism and discrimination have been ignored and dismissed," Joseph Cheah said of his new book.
Perspective: To be Filipino American Catholic means to wrestle with a complex, oppressive history, knowing your faith sustains you. It also can mean to walk away from practicing a faith that was shared so aggressively.
Television review: "Kim's Convenience" was a perfect mix of honesty and humor that felt like home when my own was thousands of miles away. The show built a community that will miss it after Season 5, which premiered on Netflix last week.
Commentary: The work to become anti-racist is difficult, and people are rightfully afraid. But we Asian Americans are scared too — we fear the violence deployed against our women, men and children.