In surrendering to the presence of love, we find a security our plans could never provide: the security of being fully alive, fully present to the embrace of absolute love, the captivating presence of God.
Whether writing for the Los Angeles Times or NCR, Gustavo Arellano looks to the patron saint of journalists to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
If, like me, you're worried about the increasing environmental threats from use of artificial intelligence, I have a proposal: Let's give up needless and frivolous AI for the 40 days of Lent.
While the immigrant, the poor and the minority are politically ridiculed, stereotyped and treated with contempt in this country, the Eucharist continues to nourish and sustain.
¿Cuál es el propósito de la vida consagrada en el mundo actual? La Hna. Joan Chittister afirma que no todas las religiosas están llamadas a trabajar directamente con los pobres ni a desempeñar el mismo tipo de ministerio. "Son las habilidades y el interés que cada hermana tiene en sí misma lo que decide el don que desarrolla", escribe y puntualiza que los carismas son dinámicos y deben renovarse constantemente.