One of the pope's greatest achievements will have been his engagement with the humanities and humanity — with a deep understanding of the challenges it faces.
James Howell, our chief advancement officer, is joining us to get out the word about our mission and connect with committed Catholics who value our journalism.
Are Democrats finally coming to grips with why they lost the 2024 election? Are they grappling with how they came to be so untrusted by the working class?
Pope Francis said the Trump administration's policy of mass deportation "damages the dignity of many men and women, and of entire families, and places them in a state of particular vulnerability and defenselessness."
In the latest episode of "The Nonviolent Jesus Podcast," Shane Claiborne talks to John Dear about the need to respond to ongoing global violence and environmental destruction.
These alt-right folks may shout "Viva Christo Rey!" but they act like they have found their king and Mar-a-Lago is his kingdom. That is the problem, points out NCR columnist Michael Sean Winters.
Prophets call a people back to their truest selves, to the roots of their tradition, to what is best in their past and what is needed now and in their future. Archbishop Borys Gudziak is prophetic in this way.
Almost every country has committed to preventing child labor, but the issue persists through entrenched systemic drivers: the demand for cheap, fast production and the impunity of corporations that profit from the vulnerable.