David Clohessy

For more than 30 years, David Clohessy co-directed SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. He can be reached at davidgclohessy@gmail.com.

By this Author

Phil Donahue gave support to clergy sex abuse survivors like us

Next wave of litigation will target bishops' pledges, not priests' crimes

A disappointing 10 years of Pope Francis on abuse

Tired of the drip, drip, drip of Catholic sexual abuse reports? Let's try this.

It's time for our Catholic president to address the church's sexual abuse scandal

SNAP praises bishops: That's right, Biegler and McKnight applauded

Ignore the Vatican: Bishops can forge ahead on stopping abuse, cover-up

SNAP: Catholic church does not ignore us

When church officials say they've reported to police, be skeptical

A decade later, struggle for accountability within LCWR on abuse continues

A novel approach for Twin Cities Catholic officials: Punish those responsible

USCCB should disinvite bishops in sex abuse cases from conference

Ten reasons the Vatican's new abuse guidelines will change little

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Benedict's record on abuse: all talk and no action
