+Wenski Hits Home Run

This story appears in the USCCB Fall 2014 feature series. View the full series.

by Michael Sean Winters

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Archbishop Thomas Wenski just gave a great presentation on some social science research the USCCB has done on Catholic attitudes on a range of issues. He did not hold back. For example, he pointed out that young Catholics reject the "Hate the sin but love the sinner" language, believing it is just a more complicated way of hating the sinner. +Wenski said that many Catholics wish to be both social justice Catholics and pro-life Catholics, but often feel they are made to choose or, if they belong to a parish or Church group that emphasizes only the one or the other, they feel marginalized when they try and give voice to both. +Wenski acknowledged that Catholics felt betrayed by the clergy sex abuse crisis and that they do not believe Church leaders have done enough to confront it. To his credit, Archbishop Wenski did not hold back, or cushion the findings. It was a home run - and a wake up call for some of the brethren. Here is a link to USCCB website that has livestream and videos on demand. 


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