Editor's Note: For the 2021 Advent season, EarthBeat is revisiting and republishing some of the reflections from last year's series, "Simple Advent, Abundant Life." Sign up here to receive the "Simple Advent Revisited" reflections three times a week in your inbox.
First week of Advent theme—Time
Wednesday, Dec. 1
Ultimately, I believe that slowness is an act of resistance, not because slowness is a good in itself but because of all that it makes room for, the things that don't get measured and can't be bought.
- Rebecca Solnit
When thinking about caring for the earth and simple living, reflecting on time and how we live our days might seem out of place; however, the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas can become some of the busiest and most stressful of the year.
Additionally, when we feel hurried, we are often less likely to be mindful of our concern for the earth and all of creation. We consume more fossil fuels as we speed to get to the next place, use disposable items to save time and do not mindfully consider how people and the planet were treated to produce the items that we buy.
Slowness provides open space and time for the Spirit to move in and for us to really encounter the people and places where we live, the meaningful parts of our lives that cannot be bought.
What is one area of your life where you can intentionally slow down to make room for what matters this Advent?
Do one thing slowly today. Drink a cup of tea or coffee, wash the dishes, go for a walk. Whatever you do, avoid multitasking and remain present in the moment. Notice how you feel when you do this.
View the Advent Simplicity Calendar for an opportunity to practice mindfulness and for suggestions on how to slow down.
Simple Advent Revisited
reflect | act
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