Copy Desk Daily, Oct. 14, 2019

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The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed the copy editors' desks on their way to you.

Global Sisters Report's Dan Stockman went to Durant, Mississippi, where three sisters are continuing the ministries of Sr. Paula Merrill, a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Kentucky, and Sr. Margaret Held of the School Sisters of St. Francis in Milwaukee, who were murdered Aug. 25, 2016, after working in Lexington and Durant for six years. This is what he found: The sisters of Holmes County, Mississippi, integral to the community

Over in Rome, this is not a surprise: Sister at Amazon synod calls for women religious to be granted vote

Some say the synod discussion about having priests who are married is overshadowing other issues. For the Amazon, environment and the economy are closely related. Read: Ecuadorians at synod keep eye on massive protests at home

We will have more coverage of Sunday's canonization soon. For now, here's columnist Michael Sean Winters' take the importance of St. John Henry Newman.

Something that doesn't make the mainstream media: Violent riots have targeted stores owned by foreigners in South Africa. "It is xenophobia, plain and simple," said the Johannesburg archbishop, one of numerous Catholic leaders to condemn the attacks.

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