Copy Desk Daily, Sept. 3, 2019

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The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed the copy editors' desks on their way to you.

It's the third day for NCR's daily Season of Creation reflection (as the Season of Creation began Sept. 1). Click to read more and even sign up to get Season of Creation Daily sent to your inbox through Oct. 4.

Adrian Dominican Sr. Elise García is the new president-elect for Leadership Conference of Women Religious. She tells GSR that she is used to finding herself between two worlds. At 69, she has only been in religious life for 14 years, so she identifies with both sisters her own age, and millennial sisters still relatively new to religious life. "I'm very much a bridge," she says.

Residents from across the D.C. metro area gathered Aug. 28 in Takoma Park neighborhood to oppose a proposed 200-bed child migrant shelter and voice a range of concerns, including the safety of children.

Back to school means back to some uncomfortable truths: Security experts say Catholic institutions can implement safety measures that enhance Catholic values — like warmly welcoming the stranger who walks into Mass or even knowing how to tend to the wounded. Read NCR's top story for the day.

Columnist Michael Sean Winters still hopes that the U.S. church can repair its relationship with organized labor.

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