NCR executive editor James V. Grimaldi came up with a Guinness lentil stew made with the famous Irish stout. He thinks that seems right for the weekend. And if you're in the D.C. area, he has a March 15 party invite for you.
This Lent NCR staff will share recipes for their favorite meatless meals. Managing editor Stephanie Yeagle's stir-fry recipe is quick and easy, with space for swapping out ingredients with whatever you have on hand.
Between Epiphany and Mardi Gras, people all over the world eat King Cake. Whether simply because it tastes good or because people love holiday traditions, the King Cake is beloved.
St. Hildegard said her cookies of joy "calm all bitterness of the heart and mind, open your heart and impaired senses, and make your mind cheerful." In this Christmas season, we need to revive these cookies of joy.