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Retired Missouri bishop dies in home country of Ireland at age 82

Catholic leaders join in asking Obama to protect U.S. religious freedom

Cardinal outlines possible paths to Communion for divorced, remarried

Pope urges sympathy, outreach to couples whose marriages fail

First married man ordained priest for U.S. Maronite Catholic Church

Little Sisters of Poor brief asks court to extend injunction on mandate

Christian leaders pledge action on high rate of incarceration in U.S.

Pope Francis' constant refrain: 'Go forth,' evangelize, help the poor

Remember the joy of your vocation, Vatican officials tell religious

Catholics, evangelicals team up in pressing for immigration reform

West Virginia bishop urges prayers for passage of abortion bill

Ugandan bishops reserve judgment on new anti-gay law

Pope: Anointing the sick doesn't bring bad luck, it brings Jesus

Legionaries adopt new constitutions; papal delegate ends oversight

Ukrainian archbishop sees lingering threat of war, but signs of hope

Venezuela's Catholic leaders urge dialogue, respect for demonstrators

Bishops in southern Congo denounce increasing violence, child soldiers

Brooklyn bishop calls church to unite in faith with immigrants

Appeals court denies University of Notre Dame injunction on HHS mandate

Addressing income inequality: A higher minimum wage is just the start
