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Bishops to reorganize communications, hire director

Layman says full-time position in Hispanic ministry a dream come true

Archbishop joins voices urging Obama to 'seize moment' on immigration

Eastern Catholics explain tradition, value of married priests

Bishops agree on need for better preaching, more penance

US bishops consider first new preaching document in 30 years

Archbishop says US church must 'redouble' efforts on marriage issue

Visiting elderly, pope says 'it's wonderful being old'

New study shows church can tap into large Catholic online presence

Vatican court finds computer tech guilty of aiding, abetting butler

Loss of three parishioners a 'terrible blow' to Staten Island parish

Ambassador says tensions did not prevent US-Vatican cooperation

Latin Americans weigh risks: unsafe abortions vs. exceptions to law

Massachusetts defeats assisted suicide; California keeps death penalty

Pope sends $1 million in aid for Syria, cardinal delegate to Lebanon

Gift of $20 million helps launch Georgetown Environment Initiative

Cardinal Dolan congratulates Obama, urges he give priority to vulnerable

Nigerian archbishop, others question plan to dialogue with Boko Haram

People lost 'stuff' in storm but still have each other, priest says

'VatiLeaks' trial of Vatican computer tech begins
