Christopher White

Christopher White is the Vatican correspondent for NCR.  His e-mail address is Follow him on Twitter: @cwwhiteNCR.
Prior to moving to Rome in August 2021, he served as NCR's national correspondent, where his award winning reporting included coverage of the Catholic vote during the 2020 campaign and the election of President Joe Biden.
He holds a master's degree in ethics and society from Fordham University and a bachelor's degree in politics, philosophy and economics from The King's College. His work has appeared in Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Forbes, Foreign Policy, New York Daily News, International Business Times, among many other print and online publications. He has regularly appeared on television and radio programs, including CNN, NPR, RTE and BBC and is a Vatican analyst for NBC and MSNBC news. 

By this Author

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German Cardinal Müller defies pope's request for confidentiality at synod with EWTN interview

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Pope signals openness to blessings for gay couples, study of women's ordination
