David Agren

David Agren covers Mexico as a freelance correspondent for Catholic News Service. His reporting also regularly appears in the Guardian, USA Today and the Washington Post. A native of Canada, he has lived in Mexico City for the past 11 years.


David Agren cubre México como corresponsal independiente para Catholic News Service. Sus reportajes también aparecen regularmente en The Guardian, USA Today y The Washington Post. Originario de Canadá, ha vivido en la Ciudad de México durante los últimos 11 años.

By this Author

Mexican cardinal-designate credited for building up indigenous church

Church responds as Hurricane Eta pounds Central America

Mexico's 'bishop of the poor' dies of COVID-19 complications

Nicaraguan Catholic leaders decry government's repressive measures

Pastor, patient, chaplain: Mexican padre sees pandemic from all sides

New caravan of 3,000 migrants forms in Honduras; first during pandemic

Salvadoran university welcomes conviction for '89 Jesuit murders

At Mexican camp near U.S. border, asylum-seekers grow more desperate

Mexican cartel boss' arrest raises old suspicions of drug alms

Mexican parishes refocus aid responses as pandemic drags on

Catholic leaders call for action on decade-old massacre of migrants

Salvadoran priests call for bishops to investigate murder of rector

Nicaraguan bishops denounce Managua cathedral arson attack as 'terrorism'

Bolivian bishop, promoter of missions, dies of COVID-19

Ex-Salvadoran officer says witnesses lied in his trial for Jesuits' murders

Campaigns to discredit church preceded '89 Jesuit murders, witness says

Ex-Salvadoran officer: 'High command' gave order to kill Jesuits in '89

Ex-Salvadoran colonel goes on trial in Spain for 1989 Jesuit murders

As poverty rises, Mexican parishes encourage neighbors to help neighbors

Homeland Security decision doesn't surprise Catholics working at border
