David E. DeCosse

David E. DeCosse is director of religious and Catholic ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. He is also the author of Created Freedom Under the Sign of the Cross: A Catholic Public Theology for the United States (Pickwick 2022). 

By this Author

In public letter and gathering, religious leaders stress need to defend democracy

Lessons from Hannah Arendt for the Catholic Church in the United States today

'We are not saved alone': Catholic theologians engage the social dimensions of salvation

Vatican promotes human dignity, but falters on concrete realities

Homelessness crisis shows our country needs a new national story

Dobbs, abolition and women's right to bodily integrity

The war in Ukraine is a challenge for a Catholic ethic of nonviolence

After 70 years, William Everson's 'Canticle to the Waterbirds' still sings

Church teaching on the dignity of women changed my mind about criminalizing abortion

'Healing Haunted Histories' outlines church's responsibility to address America's settler past

What Howard Thurman can teach Catholics about responding to racism today

What a burial service for 1,780 unclaimed dead tells us about dignity

LA church's jubilee year a chance to face sins of California mission history

St. Thomas More for our times: not a culture war hero

Love in a time of insurrection: St. Augustine on the unity of the American people

Catholics, voting and abortion: Time to correct the record

Pope Francis, Newman and the canonization of conscience

Mueller's statement and the injustice that won't go away

Recovery of faith in a new direction

'Magokoro' meets Caritas: Catholic relief efforts in the Fukushima nuclear disaster zone
