Fredrick Nzwili

By this Author

Catholic priest murdered in Kenya, latest in string of killings

Alarmed African churches demand end to persistent xenophobic attacks in South Africa

Citing inclusion of LGBT clerics, Anglican bishops in Africa to shun Lambeth Conference

Bishops from Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia call for disarmament of herders

South Sudan's Christian leaders say papal kiss is message of Easter

Faith activists urge UN Environment Assembly to address human side of climate change

Kenyan priest killed as he takes Mass collection funds to the bank

Central African bishops distance themselves from group promising violence

Another Catholic priest killed in Central African Republic

Priest's death shows fragility of peace in Central African Republic

South Sudanese leaders don't know how to make peace, say Catholic bishops

Nigerian clergy demand compensation for churches destroyed by Boko Haram

Kenyan bishops urge calm as opposition rejects early results

Abductions of two priests in Congo a growing concern

Churches provide refuge to Kenyans fleeing al-Shabab attacks

Catholic bishop says troubled Somali refugees still need acceptance, help

Kenyan court orders Catholic bishops to pay Muslim restaurant owner $125,000

Kenyan bishops warn against election violence, insecurity

Terrorist group al-Shabab delivers food relief to drought-stricken Somalia

On World Water Day, African church leaders highlight shortages

