Junno Arocho Esteves

By this Author

Learn from the past to bring peaceful future to Middle East, pope says

'Sterile hypocrisy' behind mistreatment of migrants, pope says

Pope Francis: Support life at all stages, avoid 'dirty work of death'

Ex-Vatican diplomat found guilty of distributing child porn

Pope: Commandments are God's loving words, not oppressive commands

Pope: Aborting children with birth defects is like Nazi eugenics program

Pope met with brother of Chilean priest found guilty of abuse

Migration is about people, not numbers, pope says

Vatican team returns to Chile to 'ask forgiveness' for clergy sex abuse

Pope leads prayers for U.S.-North Korea summit in Singapore

Gossip destroys Holy Spirit's gift of peace, pope says

Pope prays for victims of Guatemala volcano disaster

Pope: Seek Christ in 'abandoned tabernacles' of the poor, the lonely

Chilean priests say they felt welcomed, listened to by pope

Pope names apostolic visitor to Medjugorje

Pope: Holiness means living with hope, not doing extraordinary things

Pope to meet with second group of abuse survivors from Chile

Pope addresses 'worries' facing Catholic Church in Italy

UPDATED: All of Chile's bishops offer resignations after meeting pope on abuse

Pope calls on Chilean bishops to restore justice, care for abused

