We say: We thought the pontificate of Francis, who has emphasized dialogue and openness, would have a different, more positive vision for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
We say: Although antithetical to the rugged individualism upon which the mythology of the United States was built, democratic socialism's concern for the common good is not antithetical to our Christian and Catholic faith.
We say: In the past three and a half years, many people have been suffering in our country. We urge Catholics to look around at the suffering in the U.S. and vote your conscience this election.
Former Bishop Michael Bransfield's response to the charges against him is egregious. The people of God in West Virginia are right to demand more than rationalizations and defense of the indefensible.
With LCWR's initiative, U.S. sisters demonstrate that anti-racism work is not an ancillary exercise, but rather an integral responsibility, crucial to religious life. This stands in contrast to the U.S. bishops.
Alarming COVID-19 reports are coming from colleges across the country— including, just eight days after classes began, from the University of Notre Dame, which had been on the vanguard of promising in-person education.
Catholic social teaching recognizes that just societies must be measured by the degree to which they ameliorate the conditions faced by the poor. Our nation is failing these basic standards of justice.
In 2018, Pope Francis ordered a report on how the former cardinal was promoted again and again. This February, we heard it was nearly ready. We are reaching the point where continued delay becomes unexplainable.
In deciding whether to go back to in-person classes, Catholic schools should be leading the way in modeling pro-life values that put people's health, safety and lives first.
William Barr has politicized the Justice Department so that it has chipped away at democratic freedoms and rights, all while protecting a culture of corruption under one of the most immoral presidents in history.
The U.S. bishops' conference has been flatfooted when it comes to addressing the racial injustices in this country. But the U.S. Catholic Church, including the bishops, was once engaged with issues of social justice.
We say: We need to ensure that the merchants of political hatred will find geofencing Catholic churches a futile act because they know they will receive little support in those precincts.
We say: As experts learn more about the novel coronavirus and how it spreads, there is evidence that indoor gatherings of medium- to large-sized groups are more dangerous than most outdoor activities.
Symbols matter. And the versions of Jesus that white Catholics see in their parishes will surely influence how they look at their non-white neighbors and whether white Catholics will oppose sinful structures of racism.
We say: Baltimore Archbishop William Lori should respond to the petitioners' concerns about the Knights of Columbus' politicking and the organization's own history of prejudice and racism.
We say: While education, housing and other budgets are routinely cut, police budgets continue to rise. Like runaway military spending, police spending seems untouchable. Until now.
We say: Stop judging ministries that have been sincerely serving Catholic folks for decades. Stop judging LGBT Catholics trying to find their place in the church so they can tend to their spiritual lives.
We say: So much has been said in recent months about the rending of the fabric of the nation. The images on our screens are devastating. But where are the U.S. bishops?
We say: While the culture warriors in the U.S. bishops' conference have been obsessed with sexual ethics, what we need right now are the core principles of Catholic social teaching: solidarity, the common good, human dignity of all.