Religion News Service

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Catholic House Democrats prepare to send bishops 'statement of principles' on Communion vote

Baptist and Catholic leaders grapple with similar problems in different ways

Los Angeles Archdiocese issues new guidelines to fully reopen parishes

What Catholic bishops are actually saying about denying Communion to politicians

As Catholic bishops' Communion war roils June meeting, look what's not on the agenda

Reforming the Vatican Curia: Never easy, and never over

In Germany, blessings for same-sex couples exacerbate tensions with Vatican

US Bishops try to rein in the Biden administration, but the Vatican is all smiles

Two Plowshares activists released early from prison

4 reasons behind the Vatican's action on Communion for pro-choice politicians

Incoming Bishop Stephen Chow says he feels the pressure of leading Hong Kong diocese

'Religion entered into me': A talk with Jane Goodall, 2021 Templeton Prize winner

Solar panels allow religious institutions to do well while doing good

Calls to deny Communion to Biden for abortion views prompt Catholic soul-searching

Democrats defend a tax boon for rich homeowners

After coup, Myanmar Catholics fear the 'target on our back'

It's time for our Catholic president to address the church's sexual abuse scandal

Liz Cheney, ousted from party leadership, invokes pope and the 'power of faith'

With Pope Francis' blessing, Catholics pressed Biden White House to waive vaccine patents

California bill could bar UC Health from affiliating with Catholic hospitals that limit abortions

