Religion News Service

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The 2020 election's most crucial faith group is one you've never heard of

'Faith Vote' 20-minute ad aims to cement liberal believers for Biden

Catholic priest is sentenced to time served after 2018 break-in at nuclear naval base

How to make our politics better: Pray first, says a Jesuit guide

Election checklist: Five ways Catholic parishes can keep politics out of church

Five things to look for in Pope Francis' new encyclical, 'Fratelli Tutti'

Vatican causes chaos by invalidating baptism formula

Notre Dame president has virus. Senator leaves Atlanta faith conference to quarantine

Jesuits urge California governor to protect jobs of hospitality workers during COVID-19

Amy Coney Barrett's religion is important but irrelevant

Biden pins his argument to Latino believers on Trump's morals

Amy Coney Barrett, controversial Catholic, re-emerges as potential Supreme Court pick

National Catholic Prayer Breakfast award for Barr divides Catholics

Head of Federal Election Commission calls separation of church and state a 'fallacy' and 2020 election a 'spiritual war'

Trial of Catholic lay leader highlights gaps in church's sex abuse oversight

Biden talks faith and poverty at Poor People's Campaign event

Buffalo Catholic peace activist Martin Gugino back on his feet, determined to protest

Mark Galli, former Christianity Today editor and Trump critic, to be confirmed a Catholic

After pushback, US Navy agrees to retain contracts with civilian Catholic priests at California naval bases

Is Kamala Harris anti-Catholic?

