Religion News Service

By this Author

Voter registration on faith groups' to-do lists

Knights of Columbus leader: Catholics cannot vote for abortion advocates

Two conventions, two nominees, and a whole new culture war

Can Clinton-Kaine bring Catholic voters back to the Democrats?

Cardinal Pell, Vatican finance minister, rejects latest abuse allegations

The divided soul of the Democratic Party

Tim LaHaye, evangelical leader and 'Left Behind' co-author, dead at 90

Priest slain in France during morning Mass, ISIS claims attack

Can Hillary Clinton finally close the 'God gap'?

5 faith facts about Dem. VP pick Tim Kaine, a Jesuit-educated Catholic

Cardinal Burke says 'Christian nations' in West must counter Islamic influx

Russian Orthodox church calls boycotted Crete council 'an important event'

First openly LGBT United Methodist bishop: 'This is the time'

AME Church: Climate change disproportionately hurts blacks

5 faith facts on Mike Pence: A 'born-again, evangelical Catholic'

White evangelicals overwhelmingly back Trump, survey says

How Pokemon Go is luring millennials to the church (parking lot)

Catholic nursing home in Belgium fined for refusing euthanasia request

Pope Francis prays with parents of US student killed in Rome

Elie Wiesel died when we needed him the most

