Religion News Service

By this Author

Anti-Semitism in Europe: 'The devil that never dies'

It's Super Tuesday. Do you know what role religion will play?

Five things to watch when the Supreme Court hears its biggest abortion case in 25 years

Catholic leaders win some, lose some in Italy’s new gay unions measure

Businessman arrested in Ponzi scheme that police say priest abetted

Bishop and nun blast Trump for using faith as a 'ploy to grab votes'

South Africa's Anglican bishops move toward gay inclusion

Primary alert! 5 faith facts about South Carolina and Nevada

Most Americans oppose LGBT discrimination

Catholic Church under fire for rehabilitating convicted Indian priest

Cardinal O'Malley: We have a moral and ethical responsibility to report abuse

Justice Scalia's funeral set for Saturday

African countries clamp down on churches tied to 'miracle cures'

St. John Paul II's letters to Polish-American woman reveal intimate friendship

How Scalia's death affects key cases before the Supreme Court this year

Henry VIII's chapel hosts Catholic prayers for the first time in 450 years

Larycia Hawkins, Wheaton College offer gratitude, move on

Kansas City teacher astonishes with $2 million gift to Jesuits

Yes, Catholics may vote for Bernie Sanders

Poet Wendell Berry bequeaths farming legacy to small Catholic college

