
German bishops' plenary assembly begins with appeals on church reform

Bishop Pilla, who led church in Cleveland for 25 years, dies

Cardinal Czerny: Apply Pope Francis' vision to the US church

Catholic orphanage's ex-residents ask church to fund therapy

Democrats' hope of providing path to citizenship in budget bill quashed

Vatican wants boarding schools run by Heralds of the Gospel to be closed

Contrary to traditionalist claims, many Catholics are fleeing Latin Mass parishes

Links: Russian elections; assisted suicide; reply to McAleese's criticism of Francis

Quebec judge OKs class action against Famille Marie-Jeunesse for 'spiritual abuse'

Vatican to require vaccination proof or negative COVID-19 test

Pope to bishops: Listen to abuse victims for sake of church

First of its kind assembly to address future of Latin American Catholic Church

A contemporary Sikh 'saint' may offer insights into overcoming polarization

What can we learn from WNBA athletes fighting for freedom?

Biden administration reopens, expands immigration program for minors

Public health law experts: Federal vaccine mandate has strong legal footing

At Notre Dame, Clarence Thomas criticizes judges for veering into politics

Donation called expression of U.S. Catholics' affection for Paris cathedral

Public schools can display crucifix when decided democratically, court rules

Jessica Chastain talks Tammy Faye and God's grace
