
Nuclear era that began in 1945 poses moral questions for the 21st century

Dear parishes and priests: I want to pray with you, not watch you pray

Vatican instructions give parishioners more hope in face of closings

In light of pandemic, pope will begin new series on social doctrine

The importance and challenge of doing nothing

Catholic schools plan in-person classes, in contrast to public schools

AOC could do more for women by opposing abortion

'The Risk of the Cross' reckons with our nuclear danger

Explosion in Beirut adds suffering to Lebanon's dire situation

Bishops from Japan, U.S. call Catholics to work for nuclear disarmament

Catholic bishops reprimand Trump as often as they praise him

Pope names U.S.-based finance executive to secretariat for the economy

Progressive millennials offer the church much hope and promise

Pastoral change, new oratory spark dissent at suburban Detroit parish

Francis, the comic strip

Calling out racism, El Paso bishop forms commission a year after massacre

Update: John Hume, who helped bring peace to Northern Ireland, dies at 83

Bishop Barron hosts invite-only meeting to discuss 'rad trads,' online vitriol

'Not out of this yet': Nursing homes face ongoing threat of COVID-19

Citing major decline in revenue, Camden Diocese suspends survivor payments
