
Vatican finds Archbishop Nienstedt acted 'imprudently' but not criminally in misconduct case

Nigeria's sorrow is 'overflowing,' bishop says after Christians massacred over Christmas

Across Eastern Europe, bishops reject Vatican's opening to same-sex blessings

US bishops asked to hold listening sessions ahead of 2024 synod assembly

Everyone is talking about Leo

Leonard Leo, architect of conservative Supreme Court, takes on wider culture

US demands release of imprisoned Nicaraguan bishop, other clergy

Irish archbishop decries riots, people showing 'suspicion and hatred' toward refugees

Portland archbishop bans Mass for rare Lutheran-Catholic ecumenical community

With farming initiative, Nigerian priest aims to increase local protein consumption

Nicaraguan bishop asks world 'not to abandon us,' as president escalates anti-Catholic campaign

Religiosas ofrecen "oportunidades para la vida" a víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia

Holy Family Service Center reaches out to homeless of the Hollywood Split

First woman named to key Philadelphia archdiocesan post inspired by faith of other women

Changing church, culture wars: NCR's top 10 opinion articles of 2023

Caritas staff convicted, 'posadas' forbidden amid Christmas crackdown in Nicaragua

Synodality talks, Francis makes decisive moves: NCR's top 10 news stories of 2023

In Colombia's conflict, women religious provide 'opportunities for life'

Catholic women's college reverses decision to admit trans students

Catholic experts say rule to let franchise employees join unions would be major labor advance
