
Prospects for arms race rise with demise of historic nuclear treaty

Washington bishops support bill to repeal death penalty

Spokesman for Central African bishops raises doubts about new peace deal

To ignore trafficking is to be complicit in the crime, pope says

The courage of youth might motivate us

Links for 2/7/19

Survivors, lay leaders help archdiocese hear victims, assist in healing

Feast day of St. Paul VI added to universal calendar

Jesuit Fr. Arrupe's sainthood cause officially opens in Rome

Dioceses warned of possible legal action by Covington student's lawyers

Trump: Another unconvincing stab at statesmanship

Hartke's book teaches about gifts of transgender Christians

Speaking out on drug war, Philippine bishops model contrition, courage

Parish roundup: Second collections down; Chicago consolidations; children at Mass

New report warns against priests placing themselves above laity

Moving 'Beyond the Wall': Immigration panel talks moral, practical solutions

In memoriam — Gaspar Romero, brother of St. Oscar Romero

Panel: Reconciliation, justice go hand in hand on global, personal levels

Francis expresses openness to Vatican mediation in Venezuela

For second time in months, Catholic Relief Services forced to cut funding to Gaza
