
The bruised and bloodied church will be reborn -- or it won't

If we want to reform the church, let's make women cardinals

Persecuted Nigerian Catholics maintain faith in spite of Boko Haram

Companion letters ask pope for answers on abuse crisis

Young Colombians work to prevent peers from a life of violence, crime

Church did not foresee crimes by bishops, says canon law professor

Catholic donor denies he consulted on Viganò allegations against Pope Francis

NCR Podcast: Updates on the clergy sex abuse crisis

Letter confirms Vatican officials knew of McCarrick allegations in 2000

Cardinal Wuerl set to open 'Season of Healing' in response to abuse

New York latest to launch probe of church sex abuse records

Nuances of constitutional originalism leave originalism behind

Penance proposal for bishops: six months in real world

After bombshell Pennsylvania abuse report, other states launch investigations

Campus Notebook: Georgetown, University of Scranton, react to sex abuse reports

Top Pa. state senator opts for victims' fund over remedy for sex abuse suits

Consolata priest helps Colombians find forgiveness after long war

Pope Francis' blunt critique of capitalism praised as needed warning

Sexual abuse victims want to be heard by church hierarchy, Jesuit says

Bishop Murry, 'cancer-free,' details action against abuse in Ohio diocese
