
Removal of 4 teachers at New Hampshire Catholic school pushes community into LGBTQ culture war

Chicago's Cardinal Cupich urges Illinois AG to release more info after abuse report

Illinois Catholic clergy abuse report could draw lawsuits, reforms but new charges unlikely

Bolivia's Catholic Church acknowledges being 'deaf' to sex abuse victims

Catholic priest killed in Mexico, ninth under current president

Catholic clergy sexual abuse of kids was far more common than church acknowledged, Illinois AG finds

Many Catholic schools quit 'painful tradition' of Native mascots, but holdouts remain

French abuse victims bitterly criticize new clergy identity cards

Latino faith leaders to gather for summit on Christian nationalism

Right-wing Catholic outlet Church Militant downsizing after years of expansion

Japanese and US bishops jointly call on G-7 to prioritize nuclear disarmament

Nurse-midwife Edna Adan Ismail, opponent of female genital mutilation, wins Templeton Prize

Uncertainty lingers in El Paso as expected Title 42 migrant surge dissipates

Fr. Crossin, ecumenical expert and US bishops' former adviser, dies at 75

Texas Bishop Strickland accuses Pope Francis of undermining Catholic faith

What a groundbreaking doctor learned at the feet of his homeless patients

Chicago auxiliary bishop named chairman of U.S. bishops' anti-racism committee

Catholic immigration advocates called for just policy as Title 42 expires

Archbishop of Canterbury: UK migration bill is morally wrong

Lingering Vatican investigation of Tennessee bishop leaves diocese demoralized
