
Caritas Syria: Air strikes reopened wounds, but agency still able to help

Francis still falls short with Catholic women, feminist scholars say

A weekend at Cape Cod shows glimpses of a future church

Judge declares mistrial in case of Catholic Workers charged with trespassing

Bishop Foley, retired bishop of Birmingham, Alabama, dies at age 88

Catholic Whistleblowers want 'substantial revisions' to church's sex abuse policies

Cardinal, hospital staff urge Illinois legislators to act on gun bill

In Henan, Chinese Catholics warned to follow rules on religious affairs

Evangelical leaders discuss future of their movement in Trump era

Father of Alfie Evans meets pope, begs for help to save his son

Encuentro Eclesial event unites Cuban Catholics, bridges US-Cuba division

Parish roundup: Senior housing, confirmation joy, fighting depression and holy exercise

Bishop McElroy to address partisan polarization in lecture at Loyola in Chicago

Frank Bonnike, founder of organization for married resigned priests, dies at 95

Faith, feminism and being unfinished: Remembering Anne E. Patrick

CNEWA trustees meet Lebanese, refugees who benefit from their projects

The March for Our Lives changed me

Justice Action Bulletin: Student-led scholarship for DACA recipients; California homeless

Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear case on Marquette professor's suspension

Cubans, US exiles connect to help rebuild Cuba's Catholic Church
