
Returning from Ukraine, Polish archbishop urges Vatican to revise attitude

Supreme Court sides with Arizona in death penalty cases

Federal judge orders Title 42 measure must remain in place at border

Links: Assessing the midterms; voter turnout; Southern Baptists' abuse crisis

Catholics reflect on the need to use baby formula amid a nationwide shortage

Rosemary Radford Ruether was a groundbreaking feminist theologian and global sister

Banned by Cordileone in San Francisco, Pelosi receives Eucharist in Washington

Report: Top Southern Baptists stonewalled sex abuse victims

Pope voices hope church in China can operate in freedom

Fordham conference on abuse highlights ways the church can foster healthier culture of sexuality

Pioneering feminist theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether dies at 85

At 2022 commencement ceremonies, an ecological theme for several Catholic colleges

Archbishop Cordileone says no Communion for Speaker Pelosi over position on abortion

Relics and militants: Vatican fraud trial sprawls the globe

Pennsylvania bishops should speak out about Mastriano's Christian nationalism

Mourning Art Winter, a mentor and NCR's early managing editor

Bishop praises US stance toward Cuba, lauds family reunification efforts

Berlin archbishop asks forgiveness for homophobia in the church

Cardinal: Pope ordered auditor to resign over spying charge

Catholic News Service shutdown is about more than just the news
