
Vatican's Cardinal Becciu renounces the cardinalate in shocking move

Francis, the comic strip

Catholic women criticize 'mansplaining' of pope's masculine encyclical title

True change requires input of everyone, not just the powerful, pope says

Vatican cardinal defends issuing fidelity oaths to Irish priest Tony Flannery

Vatican reaffirms opposition to euthanasia, warns such patients cannot receive sacraments

Papal safeguarding commission meets online and in Rome

Church becomes sick when not proclaiming Gospel, pope says

'Fratelli tutti' does not include women, and neither does 'fraternity'

By the numbers: Statistics illustrate progress in tribunal reforms

Vatican envoy's removal from India brings relief for some Catholics

Pope thanks elderly, ill priests for faithful, silent witness to Gospel

No easy solutions: a response to Weigel's critique of the Vatican-China deal

Francis, the comic strip

Vatican tells Irish priest Flannery to sign fidelity oaths, or remain suspended

Creation must be protected, not exploited, pope says at audience

Peacemaking needs interdisciplinary skill in light of Gospel, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Protests must be nonviolent; governments must respect rights, pope says

Cardinal to bishops: Facilitate Mass in person as soon as conditions permit
