
New Cardinal Pierre's suggestion for US bishops: 'Always listen' to the pope

Synod members to make pilgrimage to catacombs; pray with refugees

Francis, the comic strip

Papal commission asks synod make safeguarding a bigger priority

Vatican presses world leaders at UN to work on rules for lethal autonomous weapons

A Belgian bishop says the Vatican has for years snubbed pleas to defrock a pedophile ex-colleague

Hope must be restored in communities, young people, pope says

Pope's choices for next World Youth Day celebrations are focused on hope

Francis, the comic strip

Cardinal Mario Grech: Central figure in pope's plan to change Catholic Church

Returning from France, pope condemns treatment of migrants as 'hot potatoes'

In France, pope slams 'alarmist propaganda' that fuels fears of migrants

Indiscriminate destruction in Ukraine is a 'crime,' pope says

In France, pope warns of 'crossroads of civilization' over migrant crisis

Vatican shares abuse findings about an Australian bishop with local police

Why Pope Francis' big Vatican meeting next month is so important

Pope names two Chinese bishops to synod; Vatican publishes synod schedule

Vatican asks UN Security Council to join efforts for peace in Ukraine

Ahead of Marseille trip, Pope Francis' pro-migrant message ignites debate

Francis, the comic strip
