
Rosemary Radford Ruether was a groundbreaking feminist theologian and global sister

Seek the openness of synodality, not the barrenness of ideology

Fordham conference on abuse highlights ways the church can foster healthier culture of sexuality

Novel explores Hispanic Catholic family's search for redemption

The many baptisms of 'Ozark'

What would Jesus do in old age?

Sixth Sunday of Easter: God expects our synodality

Buffalo shooting should be a wake-up call for white Catholics

Pennsylvania bishops should speak out about Mastriano's Christian nationalism

Your thoughts on being spiritual but not religious

Mourning Art Winter, a mentor and NCR's early managing editor

Being pro-life and feminist after Roe includes supporting access to contraception

Links: Student debt relief; the Afghan withdrawal; a disinformation homily

Francis, the comic strip

Catholic News Service shutdown is about more than just the news

A prayer for Ukraine (and the world)

By closing Catholic News Service, bishops show they've lost interest in civic engagement

Buffalo makes it clear: Racism and gun violence are a Christian problem

Obispos de EE.UU. socaban su trabajo pastoral al cerrar la agencia de noticias católicas

A Ukrainian academic on sabbatical experiences solidarity at Notre Dame
