
The Passion of John the Baptist

Pope: Proclaim God's love through care for needy

Sinners welcome

I was in prison and you visited me

Big and small

Lofty titles do not guarantee entrance to heaven, pope says

Woe to you

An open door

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time: Who locked the door?

Your thoughts on the real presence, part two

'Ad orientem' tussles turn on matters of community, liturgical diversity

The Bible tells me so

A prayer of thanksgiving for Sr. Fintan

Faithful discernment

Fr. James Behrens has left the world a little more grace-filled

Hypocrisy of 'spiritual tourism' destroys the church, pope says

Sr. Helen Prejean's 'River of Fire' a wellspring of wisdom for all Christians

It's not fair

Letter: Nationalism is anathema to Christian faith

Pope at Angelus: Christians choose fidelity to Gospel over hypocrisy
