
When I grow up

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: An equal opportunity sin

NCR Podcast: Reflecting on ordinary time

To understand our images of the afterlife, look to the weather

We have to give ourselves for one another

Build a legacy: Take first step and get moving

Author formulates a reform agenda based on lived lay spirituality

Grace, human nature and my three homes

Body and Blood of Christ

Corpus Christi: Be what you receive

Catholic theologians urged to be "revolutionaries"

God is a community where love is binding force

Holy Trinity

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: Missionary disciples

The (holy) ghost in the machine

Ryan, Brownback, archbishop address National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

A commission to forgive, to restrain evil, and to bring life


Pentecost: Uncaging the spirit, uncaging ourselves
