
What is loss and damage?

Fordham report finds poverty growing globally, climate change a driving force

At COP27, Holy See focuses on 'spirit of togetherness,' sharing climate solutions

Kenyan herder testifies to death, drought as UN climate conference meets in Egypt

African bishops: No climate justice without land justice

In Bahrain, Catholic and Muslim leaders call for environmental action

Cardinal tells leaders at COP27 they have duty to act on climate change

Catholic groups worry world leaders all talk, no action on climate at COP27

Zambia's Youth Climate Champions fight for climate mitigation with Catholic support

Vote like your life — and everyone else's — depends on it

What religious and civil leaders in Africa expect from COP27

Ahead of COP27, faith leaders back global treaty to end the use of fossil fuels

Archbishop says Nigeria must promote policies to limit damage from floods

Nigerians call out government failures as Catholic nonprofits aid flood victims

Indigenous, church activists fear Amazon's destruction if Bolsonaro is reelected

Catholic Charities' agencies continue to help Florida's hurricane victims

10 years after Sandy, coastal areas are still precarious — and even more populated

Advocates urge Filipinos to limit trash during All Souls' Day celebrations

Bill McKibben urges climate alliance of young and old at Jesuit justice gathering

'It makes climate change real': How carbon emissions got rebranded as 'pollution'
