
Catholic groups outline priorities ahead of Glasgow COP26 climate change summit

West Virginia faith community to Joe Manchin: Listen to Pope Francis, support bold climate investments that benefit our state

Climate crisis at forefront of agenda for Parliament of the World's Religions

In adapting to climate change, technology will not save us

Study: Most US Catholic bishops kept silent on Francis' climate change push

In Los Angeles, spiritual convoy urges unity to preserve Apache sacred site Oak Flat

By protecting land, sisters leave a legacy and 'gift it to the planet'

EarthBeat Weekly: Can we overcome our society's addiction to consumption?

5 reasons why Catholics should care about the COP26 climate summit

What New York's dumpster divers can teach us about treasuring creation

Pope should send Greta Thunberg to COP26 in his place

Greta Thunberg is 'open' to meeting Biden at UN climate summit

Franciscan sisters' land ethic invites local community to garden, explore, learn

Catholic tradition of care for environment dates back centuries before Pope Francis

Pope to lawmakers: Climate change requires quick consensus

Rochester Franciscans give $250,000 for NCR's climate coverage

EarthBeat Weekly: Winds and dust remind of life's interconnectedness on Earth

Pope will not attend climate summit in Glasgow

To heal the Earth, we must begin by sowing seeds of life

Pope Francis launches academic program for 'ecological conversion'
