
EarthBeat Weekly: Catholic climate group training local leaders

The Pleasures of Eating

How can I go green this Lent?

Mercy sisters cook up recipes for a less-meat Lent (and not just on Fridays)

Tilling the Earth

Fasting from Food Waste

Humus, Humans and Humility

East Africa fears prolonged locust invasion as eggs hatch from first wave

Brazilian church commission examines mining's impact on local communities

University of Notre Dame converts tons of dining hall leftovers into energy

End of an era: So long, plastic gas can

EarthBeat Weekly: A new idea for Lent

Creighton approves partial fossil fuel divestment as students remain 'waiting for more'

Integral ecology requires a larger 'seamless garment'

Activists killed in Mexican state where illegal logging threatens butterflies

EarthBeat Weekly: Taking the pope at his word

Australian believers' response to bushfires only the beginning

'Querida Amazonia' provides reflection on ecological sin

Beloved Amazonia: a love letter for the conversion of hearts

Francis gets the science and beauty of the Amazon but falls short on action to save it
