
Remembering Sallie McFague: Eco-theologian was a gift to our understanding of God

Actor Mark Ruffalo blends film and faith-fueled activism in 'Dark Waters'

Fresh and local: A boost from the sisters

EarthBeat Weekly: Bypassing Black Friday to #OptOutside

Advent meditations with Laudato Si', Week 2: Shift to a deeper vision

At Madrid climate talks, Catholics work to provide 'moral perspective'

After typhoon, Philippine dioceses deploy teams to help displaced

Francis challenges UN climate summit to summon 'far-sighted and strong political will'

Where has all the paper gone?

Oil rule America: New book details competing theological visions of US energy capitalists

The first week of Advent: Daily meditations with Laudato Si'

Spend Advent with Laudato Si' and a question: What is God asking of me?

Student activists speaking up for the planet, then and now

EarthBeat Weekly: Listening to students (thousands of them)

On Capitol Hill, Jesuit students deliver 58,000 Catholic signatures in support of Senate climate bill

Notre Dame's Jenkins charts insider's path on climate crisis

Boston College students and faculty push to reject Koch funding – and Koch values

Carbon (revenue) to the people!

Irish priest addresses climate crisis in Pakistan

Energy-efficient lights to adorn Vatican Christmas tree
