NCR Voices

It's possible to respectfully disagree with Cardinal McElroy

Francis the reformer is rooted in Vatican II. Full stop.

As Francis reinforces limits on Latin Mass, it's past time to embrace Vatican II

What Cardinal Robert McElroy's critics get wrong

Is the Holy Spirit leading you — or driving you — into synodality?

Why Catholics need Ash Wednesday

Let's do mercy for Lent this year

Pope Francis is a teacher, and the lesson is God's mercy

We cannot ignore the human tragedy unfolding in Ukraine

That we all may be ... what? 'E pluribus unum' is hard to find today

Pope Francis is redefining 'the spirit of Vatican II'

Pope Francis is the world's pastor

What is synodality? New online course explores its history, theology and practice

Beyond birds and flames: Let's think of the Holy Spirit as jazz music

Biden's State of the Union speech was strongest on economic issues

The attacks on Tyre Nichols and Paul Pelosi show the horror of true evil

Pope Francis doesn't hold back in condemning exploitation in Congo

Rome calls the bishops to get on board the synodal train

What makes for a reverent Mass? You might be surprised.

Santos and Taylor Greene: Funny, not funny
