Guest Voices

Let US Catholics arise and stand ahead of bishop presidents' Rome summit

Archbishop Óscar Romero: setting the record straight

Balm of loving kindness: antidote in a time of fear

The Vatican's deal with China

Pope Francis and Caravaggio's 'The Calling of St. Matthew' share a gaze of mercy

Protest! Protest! Protest!

Systemic racism is pro-life issue, and Catholics must step up

Church must open a process of truthful remembering

If we want to reform the church, let's make women cardinals

Penance proposal for bishops: six months in real world

Every Catholic, lay and clergy, is called to confront evil of abuse

Exclusive: Marie Collins responds to Francis, seeking transparency in bishop accountability process

To end abortion, don't ban it. Support families instead.

The elephant in the sanctuary: Did the abuse crisis come up at Mass?

Why I'm not leaving the Catholic Church

We can only move forward when we name the evil of clericalism

A response to concerns about a retreat for gay priests, brothers and deacons

Why the bishops should welcome invitation to resign

Real change against abuse starts with church's clergy/lay structure

Faith community must embrace single-payer health system
