
Archbishop welcomes Senate bill's provisions on environment, drug prices

Interfaith campaign pushes climate-concerned voters to the midterm polls

Faith groups respond to Sen. Manchin's surprise climate deal with shock, optimism

With the planet at 'a breaking point', pope urges decisive action at UN environment summits

Bishops conclude assembly with guidelines to better implement Laudato Si' in East Africa

Eastern Africa bishops explore consequences of climate change on daily life

Puerto Rico's archbishop calls for island to adopt green energy, in line with Laudato Si'

African youth deliver environmental demands to bishops at Laudato Si' meeting

Scottish faith leaders call on COP26 president to ensure climate pledges are kept

Humanity has 'moral obligation' to fight climate change, pope says

There's no ignoring the Supreme Court's motivations in ruling against the EPA

Vatican, offering 'moral support,' joins U.N. treaty on climate change

After Supreme Court climate ruling, Catholic leaders say legislation is 'critical'

Catholic groups outline priorities for defense of oceans, biodiversity ahead of UN summits

Catholic Theological Society of America resolves to divest from fossil fuels

Pope: Interreligious cooperation needed to tackle threats to people, planet

Faith leaders reassert critical role in confronting climate change ahead of Stockholm+50

Gore says climate crisis like 'nature hike right through the Book of Revelation'

At 2022 commencement ceremonies, an ecological theme for several Catholic colleges

Brazil's bishops raise their voices against mining on Indigenous land
