Scripture for Life

This Lent, we are to decide how we will live

Lent forms us as church

Our Lenten journey with Jesus

Destinations — preparing for the Lenten journey

Come to the water

Lent is a good time to tackle the challenge of forgiveness

Second Sunday of Lent

Second Sunday of Lent: Look beyond your logic

Gravitational waves of God

On the verge of Lent, remember the essentials

Lent celebrates death and resurrection as a single, inseparable mystery

There's this thing about Lent

Jesus' approach to suffering goes beyond platitudes

Unleash the burning fire in our bones

First Sunday of Lent

First Sunday of Lent: our annual opportunity to enter the struggle

Adults have much to learn from children about how to do Lent

As we enter Lent, it is time to scrutinize our lives

The sign of the cross

Ash Wednesday
