Scripture for Life: Being reconciled to the God of compassion is bound to have a transformative effect on the one who is reconciled, That person will not only be a messenger of reconciliation, but also the embodiment of it.
Does the Catholic college or university have anything distinctive to offer to today's world? Only if it maintains dynamic engagement with an evolving world, says Ilia Delio.
Scripture of Life: When the experience of evil feels as palpable as the mysterium, we may well be afraid. Yet, our very distress constitutes the call to stand up against destruction and injustice.
Scripture for Life: Christ's birth and reception by the simple made the first turn of the golden key. Now it is ours to dare the second turn and exercise the humility to be open to wonderful and challenging treasures we have never imagined.
Scripture for Life: Remembering Paul's message that no gift is lesser or unnecessary, we can ask the Spirit how to use those gifts for the good of all.