NCR Editorial Staff

By this Author

Editorial: We must oppose Trump's immoral environmental agenda

Editorial: South Carolina's firing squad execution magnifies cruelty of death penalty

Editorial: Bishop Barron goes to Washington. Will it be word on fire or a smokescreen?

Editorial: Silence in the face of Trump's cruelty is complicity

Editorial: JD Vance aims vulgar, undeserved cynicism at bishops over immigration

Editorial: Addressing Trump, Bishop Budde did what a Christian is obliged to do

Read the 1985 editorial when NCR exposed the clergy sex abuse scandal

Editorial: McElroy is an antidote to a US capital and church riven by division

Editorial: The Catholic voter is NCR's Newsmaker of 2024

Editorial: Biden's commutations of death sentences exemplify mercy, hope

Editorial: Catholics are politically homeless. That's not what's lamentable.

Editorial: Biden could leave legacy of mercy and compassion. He should do this.

Editorial: Hope in a time of darkness

Editorial: Catholic leaders shamefully silent as Trump, Vance lie about immigrants

Editorial: Cardinal Dolan's 'Al Smith dinner' disappointment is misdirected

Editorial: US Catholics must face up to the nuclear threat, and act

Editorial: US bishops made a bad deal with the GOP

Editorial: Is the US church really taking 'a step back in time'?

Editorial: Finally, (some) US dioceses are taking the pope's climate message seriously

Editorial: Excommunication in Louisiana lays bare Catholic Church's hypocrisy

