
More than 200 people were killed last year for defending their land, environment

Report outlines complaints of border agents' treatment of asylum-seekers

Polish nun, cardinal who defied communism are beatified

With Haiti in turmoil, Catholic agencies trying to help face enormous difficulties

Policy keeping migrants out may stay in place longer

Honduran Jesuit: Conviction in Cáceres murder breaks 'tradition of impunity'

Hundreds of bodies found at former Saskatchewan residential school

Children's graves in Canada reflect Catholic logic of Indigenous vanishment

Bad day for Big Oil is big climate win for religious shareholder advocates

Creation Care Prayer Network launches to spur ecological conversion worldwide

Five priests, two nuns, three laypeople kidnapped in Haiti

Catholic coalition stresses importance of COVID-19 vaccine for all

After Vatican decree, over 100 theologians pledge to support same-sex couples

Network names Mary Novak as Sr. Simone Campbell's successor

Pandemic points to weaknesses in food supply chain, Catholic aid workers say

Iraqi sisters hope pope's visit shows the world their country's suffering

Adorers sisters seek damages in latest lawsuit over gas pipeline

Pope names bishop, sister as Vatican's dual synod undersecretaries

For the record: Michigan nuns at Trump rally aren't really nuns

Northern Irish victims call for their own Catholic baby homes investigation
