Jim McDermott

Jim McDermott is a screen and magazine writer in New York. He produces a weekly Substack about pop culture and spirituality called Pop Culture Spirit Wow.

By this Author

The new trend in must-see TV is … pastoral care?

Senate Judiciary Committee, led by a Catholic, offers hope amid polarization

At Lincoln Center Theater, a deeply Catholic portrait of Nancy Pelosi

Tim Walz and the 'good neighbor' election

Spiritual exercises for a struggling president

'Checkpoint Zoo' tells the moving story of a wartime Noah's ark

Walk into the light: A Catholic take on Pride parades

Off-Broadway, a brilliant show about sex and faith formation with hidden teeth

Is now the time for LGBTQ priests and religious to come out?

Dear bishops, please stop quizzing confirmands at their confirmation

The National Eucharistic Revival could learn from Hulu's 'Fargo'

Off-Broadway show reflects on the Annunciation as a story about freedom

The sacramentality of silliness

How horror enhances your spiritual life

'Here Lies Love' musical about Imelda Marcos ignores Philippine Catholicism

Filipino-American illustrator Mike Curato on his book 'Flamer' and growing up as a gay Catholic

Searching for Jesus on the stage

An NYC art exhibit shows the beauty and blight of Earth's climate today

NY exhibit 'Earth on the Edge' weaves wonder, dread into mesmerizing art

The return of Broadway and what the stage reveals to us
