Religion News Service

By this Author

Spirituality in a time of quarantine

Religious conference organizers cancel, monitor upcoming events in light of virus

In California, residents may be able to compost their bodies after death

Coronavirus is a physical and spiritual threat

Rolls-Royce promotes exclusive Mass with pope — for $155,000

Albany becomes third city to condemn India's citizenship laws

Catholic voters ignored by Democrats at their own peril

I am giving up Trump for Lent

When saints fall

Play about first African American priest in the US highlights current issues

One year after Vatican abuse summit, survivors grade Pope Francis with 'D minus'

Netflix's 'Messiah' is not my Jesus

German theologian spearheads transition to a 'gender appropriate' Catholic Church

A young woman's suicide puts focus on church's counseling for LGBT Catholics

South Asian Americans protest Modi's crackdown from afar

Pope Francis punts on married priests

Excommunicated hermits — and their cats — finally find peace

New book by Pope Francis points to continuity with John Paul II

Prophets are social critics not fortunetellers

What's on pastors' minds? It's not religious liberty

