Religion News Service

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Saving Amazon rainforest requires change in Western lifestyles, say synod bishops

As synod deliberates, vandals dump controversial indigenous carving into the Tiber

Synod appears to be moving toward ordination for married men in Amazon

Pew report: Older US Christians being quickly replaced by young 'nones'

40% of Muslim students in CA report being bullied due to religion, according to survey

'What Do You Believe Now?' Film follows up with millennials 17 years later

Castro visits woman taking sanctuary in a church; other Dem candidates voice support

American bishop says Amazon synod will enrich the church – and our lives

Buttigieg, Warren reject O'Rourke plan to link church tax status, LGBT policy

Amazonian bishops condemn attacks on rainforest and indigenous peoples

Brazilian cardinal urges synod to open doors, knock down walls and build bridges

Latino Catholic leaders head to border for teach-in and public action

Christian leaders call for Day of Prayer in support of impeachment inquiry

Pope urges synod to embrace 'daring prudence,' not status quo

Controversy mixes with consensus as bishops gather for Amazon synod

Pope meets with Jesuit priest James Martin to discuss LGBTQ ministry

Visiting Thailand, Pope Francis to champion the poor and the environment

Parenting after faith shift, progressive Christians look for new resources

To save the planet, we need faith, ethics, science and economics

Congressional hearing on travel ban highlights impact of muddled waiver process

