Religion News Service

By this Author

Faith-based bills advance in Texas in defiance of 'almighty dollar'

New York City brownstone is home to 15 millennial Catholics

New Mormon policy no longer calls same-sex marriage 'apostasy'

Washington gets Wilton Gregory, a great bishop

Taking stock of the clergy sexual abuse crisis: Transparency

Shattered statues and satanic symbols mark rise in attacks on French church

In new book, Richard Rohr says the 'universal Christ' changes everything

Taking stock of the clergy sexual abuse crisis: Holding bishops accountable

How the White House is courting evangelicals on its Israeli-Palestinian peace plan

Survey: Most Americans continue to oppose religious service refusals to LGBT people

Using holograms and AI to preserve firsthand stories of the Holocaust

Taking stock of the clergy sexual abuse crisis: protecting children

Religious, civil rights groups ask Pompeo to request expert probe of U.S. racism

'Nones' now as big as evangelicals, Catholics in the US

Pompeo: All faiths will have 'something to say' on forthcoming peace plan

Clergy housing allowance is constitutional, appeals court rules

Dartmouth physicist, known for doubting skeptics, wins 2019 Templeton Prize

Faith activists urge UN Environment Assembly to address human side of climate change

Pundits repent of Twitter sins, apply faith to social media

The good, the bad and the merciful: Pope Francis after six years

