Religion News Service

By this Author

Survey: More than a third of US Catholics question loyalty in wake of scandals

Survey: Faith groups maintain widespread support for LGBT protection laws

Kenyan archbishop denies Catholic Church accepts funds from corrupt politicians

Should Trump worry about white Catholic and mainline Protestant votes?

Anti-Semitism is on the rise in France

Fifty years later, Catholic Church reckons again with unbelief

Fasting from food, feeding on the Bible during Lent

United Methodists pass Traditional Plan, keep ban on LGBTQ clergy, same-sex marriage

Southern Baptist executive group urges caution before investigating church abuse

Bishops told transparency needed to overcome clergy abuse crisis

Eyeing Amazon synod, Brazil accuses church of 'leftist agenda'

United Methodist committee rejects One Church Plan, which would allow LGBT clergy

Religion or remembrance? Supreme Court to mull cross-shaped war memorial

Bishops in Rome struggle to find way to investigate bishops

Vatican meeting on abuse opens with indictments from victims

British inquiry into church sexual abuse blasts UK's papal nuncio

Southern Baptists should investigate churches that cover up abuse, says SBC president

What Catholics and Southern Baptists can learn from each other about sex abuse crisis

A flourishing United Methodist church considers a way out

Germany continues payments to churches a century after deciding to stop

